Norwegian Forest Cat HCM DNA Research Project


NFC HCM Online Seminar with Dr Virginia Luis Fuentes - A fundraiser for WINN NFC HCM Research

Sign up for the online seminar on HCM and the Norwegian Forest Cat conducted by Virginia Luis Fuentes MA VetMB PhD CertVR DVC DipACVIM DipECVIM.

Date: Sunday October 6, 2013
Time: 16.00 UK (11.00 Boston, 17.00 Paris, 18:00 Helsinki)
Expected duration: 1.5 hours

Fee: $20 USD

Deadline for registration: September 30, 2013


• What inspired Dr Luis Fuentes to become so involved in NFC HCM research?

• Overview of the current study

• Overview of progress thus far

• What is still needed from the NFC community at this point?

• Overview of what’s next in regards to NFC HCM research. How can breeders help?

• Q&A (Questions from breeders and owners of the NFC which were posted to the NFC HCM Research Group Facebook Page)

Meeting Info

Please plan to attend the meeting 10-15 minutes early to ensure you will be connected in time for the conference. The meeting will be conducted using Blackboard Collaborate. For Collaborate, Java is required with an internet connection and works on PC & Mac, iOS & Android. You may have to download Java to get the program working so again, please connect to the meeting early to allow for things like this. Once you sign up and pay for the event, you will be sent an invite to attend the meeting via Blackboard Collaborate. The email will contain instructions on how to connect to the meeting. You will not have to dial a phone number to attend the meeting as you will listen to the conference through your computer speakers.  There is no landline telephone number available for this conference, you will listen using your computer or smart phone speakers.

Payment accepted via Paypal only.  It is very easy to set up a Paypal account and link your checking account or credit card.  Please note that payments MUST be made in US funds only.  This is a fundraiser for HCM research so please follow these rules so that fees will not be deducted by Paypal to covert your payment to USD.    If you are not able to set up a Paypal account, please consider asking a friend with a Paypal account to help you make the payment.  Linda Stebner of Epona Cattery in Pennsylvania, USA will be collecting the fees.  When you click on the Paypal link below, you will see her email address at the top of the page (  Once registration for this seminar has closed, Linda will provide a complete accounting of all fees and donations paid and it will be shared here and on Facebook.    We hope to collect as much money as we can for research.    Thank you for participating in this very special event for Norwegian Forest Cat breeders and fanciers!

How to Sign Up

1)    Please send paypal payments to Linda Stebner at . US funds only - please consider paying any fees that may apply. 

2)    Fill out registration form here

Day of the Meeting

If you experience trouble connecting or have questions the day of the conference, please post your questions to the NFC HCM Facebook Page as there will be people monitoring Facebook and will help as needed.  There will be a pinned "Meeting" note at the top - ask your questions there. 

NFC HCM Facebook Page Link:

Need help or have questions? email: Melissa Alexander


THANK YOU, Dr Luis Fuentes, for all you do for our beloved breed!


For more information on the study on which this seminar is focusing on, please visit our DNA Research Page
