Norwegian Forest Cat HCM DNA Research Project
**this study has been completed**
WSU Offers Funded Study of Feline Heart Disease!
December 6, 2007
We are very pleased to announce a new study at Washington State University for
feline heart disease that is funded by the American College of Veterinary
Internal Medicine (Cardiology)
Our cardiology resident, Dr. Sara Bordelon, is directing the study and she can
be contacted at
Thank you very much and Happy Holidays!
Kate Meurs
The formation of a blood clot is a devastating complication of heart disease in
cats. At this time there is no method to predict cats at risk for developing
blood clots and then to determine the best time to initiate preventive
medications. We propose that platelet factor 4, soluble P-selectin and
Eligibility requirement:
Cats must have structural cardiac disease (hypertrophic, restrictive or dilated cardiomyopathies) that can be detected via echocardiography.
Cats must NOT be on anticoagulant therapy at the time of enrollment (a 2 week anticoagulant free period is required for enrollment for cats previously treated with anticoagulants)
Cats must be free of systemic disease (neoplasia, asthma, hyperthyroidism, etc)
Cats greater then 16 years are not eligible for enrollment.
Cats with previous thromboembolic events may be enrolled if not currently on an anti-coagulant (must be anticoagulant free for 2 weeks prior to enrollment)
Cats must be able to be handled with manual restraint only – cats that are too fractious for manual restraint are not eligible.
Cats will receive the following diagnostics as part of the study at no charge to the client if the cat meets all of the eligibility requirements (see above):
Doppler blood pressure
Cardiovascular physical exam
Complete blood count
Chemistry panel
Free T4 (thyroid function test)
Urine creatinine level
All of the aforementioned tests will be available to the owner and will be faxed
to the referring veterinarian as part of the patient’s medical record. All
experimental data will be excluded from review by the owner and referring
veterinarian as their clinical significance is not yet known.
All owners will be required to sign a consent form prior to enrollment. If
echocardiography does not reveal cardiac disease then no further testing will be
performed but the owner will NOT be charged the echocardiogram fee.
There is no time limit for the study; cats may be enrolled until we have reached
the number of funded patients.
For more information, please email Dr. Sara Bordelon (Sbordelon@vetmed.