The Process for Collecting Data for DNA Research


If you have a Forest Cat that has been diagnosed positive for HCM by a certified Cardiologist, please follow the guidelines below. By participating in the study you will be helping Dr. Meurs' research to identify the mutation in the gene responsible for causing HCM in the NFC. The more cats we have for the study will result in more consistent and accurate data.

This process is in the beginning stages and as we receive feedback from Dr Meurs, we'll be adding steps that you'll need to follow to this page.


Step One

Scan official Echo results of your cat and attach as pdf or word doc with e-mail addressed to Dr. Kathryn Meurs:
Please put in the subject the breed of cat - NFC HCM DNA Research Study
In the e-mail, please introduce yourself and include a telephone number where you can be reached.  Give a brief history of the affected cat participating in the study and attach the official Echo and Pedigree of the affected cat.  Your information will remain confidential.

*Please note that if you need help with emailing results to Dr Meurs, please feel free to send an email to Melissa for assistance. 


Step Two


Directions will be provided by Dr. Meurs regarding the collection of blood via the special tube with DNA buffer.  Dr. Meurs will include instruction regarding the amount of blood required and the instructions for shipping.


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